Dani Levy - Persistence

patience, movies, children, money, persistence,

Dani Levy - Persistence

The german film-maker and actor Dani Levy brought us (among others) movies like "RobbyKallePaul", "Meschugge" and "Alles auf Zucker!". With "Mein Führer - Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler" he broke with probably the last tabu in german society: laughing about Adolf Hitler. In 1994 Levy founded the Production Company "X-Filme" together with Tom Tykwer, Wolfgang Becker and Stefan Arndt. Here you can learn how Levy trains himself in patience and persistence and what his fatherhood has to do with it.

March 09th, 2009
Studio, Berlin

Director of Photography: Sven Müller
Interview and Visual Concept: Sven Haeusler
Editor: Denitza Todorova

Dani Levy at Wikipedia
Dani Levy at imdb

Video: http://www.iseevoices.com/#/video/7